In a nutshell, cold email copywriting is the fine art of crafting valuable, eye-catching messages that are sent to people you've never met before. 

Think of it as the friendly knock on the door of the digital age, where instead of a door-to-door salesman, you're a delightful wordsmith with a keyboard at your fingertips and a world of potential connections just a click away.

But wait, there's more!

This particular flavor of copywriting isn't just about selling products or services. 

It's also about weaving heartwarming stories, building genuine relationships, and sprinkling in a pinch of humor to brighten someone's day.

Now, crafting the perfect cold email is a bit like making a delicious sandwich. 

Start with a slice of an engaging subject line (the bread), layer it with a mouthwatering introduction that tickles their curiosity (the cheese), and then pack in the juicy details that make them crave more (the filling). 

Top it off with a dollop of memorable and clear call-to-action and voilà! You're well on your way to boosting your B2B Sales!

8 Simple Cold Email Copywriting Steps

Let’s break it down into a few steps…

  1. Eye Catching Subject Line: First things first, let's create a subject line that captures attention like a magnet. Keep it short, relevant, and enticing. Make your recipient curious enough to click and read further.
  2. A Warm and Personal Introduction: Start your email with a friendly tone and a personal touch. Address your recipient by name and, if possible, mention something you know about them or their work to show you've done your homework.
  3. The Hook: Show that you've researched their needs or interests, and briefly mention how your product or service can be a game-changer for them. Remember, it's not about you – it's about how you can make their life better.
  4. An Irresistible Offer: Once you've captured their interest, present your offer. Keep it concise and highlight the key benefits. Use bullet points or short paragraphs to make it easily digestible.
  5. Social Proof and Credibility: Incorporate testimonials, case studies, or notable achievements to give your claims more weight. People are more likely to trust you if they see that others have had success with what you're offering.
  6. Cold Email Call to Action (CTA): End your email with a clear and actionable CTA. Whether you want them to schedule a call, visit your website, or reply with more information, make it easy for them to take the next step.
  7. The Polite and Professional Sign-Off: Close your email with a friendly sign-off that leaves the door open for future communication. Thank them for their time and provide your contact details for further questions.
  8. Proofread and Test: Before hitting send, double-check your email for typos, broken links, or formatting issues. Send a test email to yourself or a friend to ensure everything looks perfect.

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The Cold Email Call to Action and Split Testing (or A/B Testing)

Writing a high converting CTA is easier said than done. This is where split testing becomes critical.

I always recommend setting up two versions of your cold emails, depending on the platform you choose to send your cold emails from, this can be quite easy.

By sending two variations you get the opportunity to see which performs better, and then create another iteration of it and test it further until you start to see results.

In over 100 years of direct mail studies, research showed that 60% of a campaign’s success came down to the audience it was sent to, 30% was the offer and 10% was the call to action.

If you’re emailing an audience who is interested or finds value in what you’re emailing them about, you’re already 60% of the way there.

It then comes down to how you word your offer and the call to action associated with it.

Don’t overlook this step.

Testing variations of your cold email copywriting is essential to finding success with cold emailing.

I often tell people who are just starting out to think of cold emailing like learning to ride a bike.

The best way to learn is by getting on the bike, and falling off again until you get it right. 

It's a matter of trying over and over again with slight improvements until you achieve the desired result of your cold emails.

Dual Readership Path

A dual readership path is an ingenious approach used in copywriting to cater to two types of readers: skimmers and in-depth readers. 

When crafting a cold email, applying the dual readership path ensures that your message resonates with recipients who prefer to quickly scan the content, as well as those who like to thoroughly read and digest every word.

In the context of cold email, the dual readership path can be a game-changer when it comes to engaging your audience and getting your message across effectively. 

To apply the dual readership path to your cold emails, start with attention-grabbing subject lines and headings.

Craft subject lines and headings that are both intriguing and informative, enticing skimmers to open the email and quickly understand the main points.

Next, break your content into small, digestible chunks by using short paragraphs and white space.

This makes it easier for skimmers to quickly grasp the key ideas, while also improving readability for in-depth readers. 

As you craft your email, use bold or italicized text to emphasize crucial points. 

This helps both skimmers and in-depth readers identify the most pertinent details.

Finally, create concise yet informative sentences for your cold email

While keeping your email brief, ensure that it provides all the necessary information for in-depth readers. 

Be clear and concise, avoiding excessive jargon and complex language.

By incorporating a dual readership path into your cold email strategy, you can create emails that appeal to a broader range of recipients, ultimately increasing the chances of engaging your audience and achieving your desired outcome. 

The Basics of Cold Email Copywriting

In short, the basics of cold email copywriting come down to engaging the reader quickly with a valuable message that gives the reader a clear next step (call to action).

Don’t overlook testing your email copy, this will be the deciding factor between success and failure of your cold email campaigns.

I have sent over 3 Million cold emails and ran agency operations at an outbound marketing agency prior to starting Coldlytics to focus on providing the best email lists possible.

My experience has shown me that testing, testing, and testing again proves to be the key to getting replies and new leads back from cold emails.

Don’t be afraid to fail. It’s normal to make mistakes, upset a few receivers and learn in the process.

Cold email is an iterative process.

So warm up those typing fingers, and get writing, testing, and iterating!

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