After sending more than 3 Million cold emails, I know a thing or two about campaigns that get results.

Combine this cold email template with the proper tech stack and you'll be off to the races.

We'll be breaking down each element of the cold email template, explaining the psychology behind every word choice and providing real-world examples of how it has led to successful business partnerships and valuable connections.

By the end, you'll be armed with a potent tool to help you forge new professional relationships and open doors you never thought possible.

The Tech Stack

The tech stack is very straight forward forward...

  • Google Workspace - Use a separate domain and email account.
  • Coldlytics - Our lead provider platform that gets you researched lists in 24 hours.
  • Replyify - Matt has sent millions of cold emails through Replyify and managed hundreds of campaigns with relative ease.

The Cold Email Template You Can Use In Any Niche

Email 1

The first email is all about making an introduction in a warm and transparent way.

We do this by following the AIDA format: Attention, Interest, Desire and Action.

This email is designed to get a straightforward message across to the receiver with no fluff, yet remaining friendly enough to engage most personality types.

We also include a very direct call to action that states specific times. We do this to make it easy for the prospect to say yes, or for them to simply reply with a different time to meet with you.

Notice that we didn't include any links.

Links can put more of your emails into the spam folder, so we just avoid that altogether.

We can easily send over a Calendly link to them if appropriate based on their reply.

Subject: Quick Question, Bob

Hi Bob,

My name is ________________, I’m one of the founders at _________________, specializing in ____________________________ for companies like X-company-name.

I have __(product or service)___ that may peak your interest. If this is an area of interest for you I am happy to give you insight on the type of results you can expect.

If you’d like to chat I can call you next week on Wednesday at 10 or 11 AM if that works for you?


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Email 2

Wait 2-3 days before sending the second email.

This email is slightly more direct and aims to emphasize the value to the receiver more clearly.

After all, if they don't see the value in engaging with you, why would they reply to you in the first place?

I like to include one or two "heavy hitters", whether that's name dropping a big name in their industry that you've worked with, or a big result that you recently got for similar business.

This is the best time to come out with your strongest social proof to try and engage the receiver.

Again, we hit them with a very direct call to action.

Subject: RE: Quick Question, Bob


Wanted to reach out as I have ____(outcome or result)____, that can be replicated for your business.

Worth noting, we’ve worked with ____________ and ______________ who are similar to your business and had great success. I know we can achieve similar results for you.

Would you be free for a chat next week by phone, say, Tuesday at 12 PM?


Email 3

Wait 3-4 days before sending the third email.

If the prospect hasn't opened your email yet, they'll be hard pressed to ignore a forwarded email showing up in their inbox.

Think about it; when was the last time you received a forwarded email that you didn't open.

Not only do we play this psychological move on your prospect, we also give them an opportunity to reply in a way that doesn't address the offer, but rather if their email address is correct.

Sometimes that can help bring the defences of your prospect down enough for them to engage with you by having them focus their attention away from your offer.

To do this inside of Replyify, simply copy and paste your first email into the body of email 3 and add "--- Begin Forwarded Message ---" between it and the one sentence main body we use for this email.

Subject Line: FWD: Quick Question, Bob

Hi Bob, am I sending this to the correct email address to reach you on?

–– Begin Forwarded Message —-

Hi Bob,

My name is ________________, I’m one of the founders at ________, specializing in ____________________________ for companies like X-company-name.

I have _________________ that may peak your interest. If this is an area of interest for you I am happy to give you insight on the type of results you can expect.

If you’d like to chat I can call you next week on Wednesday at 10 or 11 AM if that works for you?


Email 4

Wait 7 days before sending the final email.

This template comes from Andy Buyting, founder of Tulip Media Group and a Scaling Up certified coach who graciously allowed me to steal this from his sales playbook to share it with our audience here.

This email is very direct and will resonate more with a recipient who is a very direct communicator.

It's also worded in a way that names their baby (their business) and puts it in a very serious tone.

This nearly the identical template I use when a prospect in my funnel has stopped replying to my emails.

Employ this email in your campaign and you'll be well on your way to engaging the variety of personalities in your target audience.

Subject Line: Bob, can I assume no interest?


I have not heard anything from you to date. Is it safe to assume that you are not interested in ___(service or product)______ now or down the line?

Before I close the books on ___(Company-Name)___ I wanted to check with you first.

If you do have any interest, please let me know.



So there you have it, no more making excuses about "not being a great copywriter" or not knowing where to start. Take this script, modify it for your business and start sending those cold emails! What are you waiting for? Let's go!

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