Today we have Frankie Fihn, the author of "Beyond the Agency Box." This is not his first book, but we'll talk about that at the end because he's got some kick-ass stuff to show you how to do with Coldlytics that nobody else is doing.
And it doesn't even have to be through Coldlytics. This is fundamental marketing stuff that other people aren't doing, and that's what we're all about. So that's how Coldlytics started. That was the beginning; it was what we needed to do, something nobody else was doing to get ahead and position my work at the time. And so that's any marketer's life work: to figure out how to get that edge, get ahead of everybody else, and claim that market share for yourself.
For those who don't know me already, my name's Frankie Fihn. I wrote the book "Beyond the Agency Box." It's about running phoneless, meetingless kinds of agencies. We make all our stuff, our acquisition, and our client management, all without phone calls and meetings. I've helped people hit a hundred K months doing this with huge lifetime subscriber value.
You don't need too many clients when your average client is worth $460,000. The coolest stuff for me is when we do free training like this, and people message me and say like, they went and made money. So this is not like a client, or anything like Allie just closed a 20k deal. And ended up getting four more. This is Matt, I got a couple of 2k clients, and Sam closed five people. And this is all just from the free training. So like, we're not gonna hold anything back from this. This is some of my favorite stuff when I see people go from like unknown into a new niche, and they have clients in 16 days in this case, and now a few months later, have a waiting list. Clients are sticking with us. That's a key, too, is we're, we're doing this in a way where you're setting up clients to stay. So just wanted to show you that really quick, just so you guys know.
That's a hell of a topic because we wanna “zig when everyone else zags”, and that's what we'll be showing you guys here, how we're getting clients for between $100 to 250 dollars a pop. So for most of you guys, if you got a thousand dollars a month to $10,000 a month, service like you're in that kind of range.
Like clients for 250 bucks, even on the high side, as you can, that's good math all day long, you can do over and over. So at the end of this, we're gonna give you guys the template and the tools so you can go ahead and send your mail. We're just gonna give it to you. There's no opt-in or anything like that.
The only thing is, I wanna show you guys the principles behind it. Because if you miss those kinds of nuances and details, it won't work. I'll give you my templates, I'll give you my tools, and then you guys can send this out.
This is fundamental marketing. You guys can do this a hundred ways. I found no better tool to do this than Coldlytics. So this is not just a shameless plug for Matt's stuff. It's like legitimately helpful in this journey. Having said that, if you guys are in a situation where you're not yet able to afford it, or it doesn't make sense where you're at in your agency, you can still do this manually.
So it still works, you know, he'll save you a boatload of time in doing that.
So let's start it off with some swear words, some holy fucking shit. But I think this is super cool for you guys to be able to sign clients for a hundred to 250 bucks a pop. I specify that we're doing this in local business niches. I mean, you could do this with e-commerce. The principles don't change or anything like that, but a lot of this comes out of the fact that we got a bunch of people in our mastermind who are kicking ass, and we were just seeing more and more people getting banned from Facebook ads.
In Facebook, Armageddon, this guy Carl kinda illustrated this. He says: "Right, no more Mr. Nice guy. I'm willing to pay for help on this. Guys. Does anybody know any wastewater-typehods of getting back onto Facebook ads? I don't care how black hat the methods are. Virtual computers, fake accounts, don't care. Facebook screwed me over, so I don't care in the slightest about breaking their rules. Over the last three years, I've put hundreds of thousands of pounds into this platform, and in return, I've been treated like a piece of shit. Facebook, if you're reading this, suck my hairy balls. You've permitted me to ban my AL profile from advertising. You've banned my business part, and you've banned my salesman. You've trampled on years of blood, sweat, and tears. You've ruined my business. You're responsible for five people becoming unemployed amid a worldwide health crisis where rocking horse shit is easier to find than employment."
And this was not unique, like in the original version of this. I got about a hundred of these, but I'm not gonna show you all a hundred, but just a lot of people were getting banned from Zuckerberg while this was going on. We were secretly testing direct mail stuff, and what I love about the mailman: he doesn't show up, right?
He doesn't tell me. Oh, you use the word you too much in your ad. Well, you can't mention knee pain and your knee pain advertisement. You can't mention weight loss and your weight loss. So like, he doesn't have all those rules.
A message popped up, and I remember, you know, getting this guy turned into a client, but he says: "Just outta Texas for the long hot summary. He sent me a message on Facebook; he has been traveling since June; I got your letter in the mail. Key phrase, Joan, my marketing manager, is supposed to reach out to you. I don't know if she ever did. She was misspelling your name, but how's it? Correct now? Always interested in your stuff." That's the coolness of direct mail. Like it just works.
Tim Ferris, in Tools of Titans, has a compilation of all his interviews and high-profile people. So there's a page or two on everybody, famous and well known and successful, that he's interviewed and in their best ideas. And in the middle of the book, he has a section of good questions, and he says that he likes to bring with him not good answers because he finds if he asks himself good questions, it will produce in his life good answers. And one of my favorite questions, and this is the why behind direct mail, is he asks himself: what is the least crowded channel? Meaning if I wanna reach out to a client or a specific person, or I wanna drum up some business and I wanna get like people into my world, I want to go where everybody else isn't. So that I'm the only one being seen in that area, the least crowded channel, and this is the opposite of what most people are doing. Like everybody else is kind of saying the same thing, messaging through the same channels in the same way, which makes it really, really hard to stand out if you do those things. So I know a lot of you guys are using Coldlytics to email people to Facebook and message to LinkedIn, and I'm not telling discouraging you not to do those things.
They work, but I like to personally go where not where everyone else is. And by the way, if you do this in combination with direct mail like if you send somebody a LinkedIn message and a letter in the mail and an email, it works all better together. So like, it has a compound effect. So I'm not telling you to stop what you're doing; on the contrary, I'm saying add this least crowded channel.
But I find if you go where it's like super busy, your agency kind of swims against the current. You do what's hard, right? Like if you're trying to stand out in a LinkedIn message where there are a gazillion LinkedIn messages, it's just hard. So we wanna kind of zig when everyone else zags, and that's kind of why the personalized direct mail.
I'll show you the service we use at the end. It costs about a buck a letter to send, uh, through direct mail, and we do mass personalization, meaning like the letter to Matt says, Dear Matt, the letter to Frankie says, Dear Frankie. So the person feels like the letter was written for them. This is like mass personalization, and basically, the only thing that our clients are getting in the mail, especially if they got like a local business, are bills and flyers, that's like, that's really it. Threatening bills often, like, pay your fucking bill or you're, you're not gonna be allowed. Or it's like just a flyer. Like, get two pizzas for $12, you know, $19,99 or whatever, right? So when you send direct mail, there's almost no competition in the inbox here. You're in the real inbox. The original inbox is almost zero.
So I wanna show you guys the principles behind the letter, and then we'll give you the template because if you get, if you nail the principles of it, uh, it'll work. The first thing, and this is where Coldlytics comes in, is a principle I wrote about in the book called Shoe Buyers. And it's the idea, if you think of your marketing service, kind of like metaphorically as a pair of shoes, what most people do is they chase people who need their services.
So like, what I call people who are barefoot. And what you actually wanna do is, if you're selling shoes, are you wanna sell to a person who has a closet full of hundreds of pairs of shoes? And it, although like it's, it's almost like it's, it's obvious when you see it. This is the opposite of what most people do.
So, for example, in my niche in personal injury, there are lawyers who've grown for like 30 or 40 years just on the basis of referrals. And they don't spend any money on marketing, and they never will. And even though they're good people, they make for bad clients because they just won't invest in the kind of things you sell.
And so it makes logical sense because they need marketing. Marketing is what would up-level their business. They're barefoot, and they will never buy shoes, right? So if you, if you chase them, you will never, ever, like, uh, like really do any business. So what we wanna do instead is sell to people who have a closet full of shoes.
They have Nike, they have Reebok, and they have Adidas. And it's like, there's always a reason why they need another pair of shoes. Maybe they need dance shoes, and maybe they need hiking shoes. Maybe their old basketball shoes are worn out, and they need another pair. So there's always a reason for a shoe buyer to need another pair of shoes.
And to illustrate the power of this, this is an old guy from the 1950s. I've been reading a lot of investment books lately. His name is Jim Straw, and he was talking about business and investing in general. And he says you can have a thousand different products to sell, but if you don't have any buyers, you're not gonna make any money.
Instead of looking for something to sell, focus on finding buyers. That is the real secret to success in any business. Without buyers, you won't make any money. All your efforts at finding products to sell will be a wasted effort. Don't even think about looking for a seller until you have a buyer at hand.
Look around you. Sellers are everywhere, on every street corner in every town across this country, and they're all hoping and praying for more buyers for their goods and services. As a matter of pure fact, almost every seller will gladly pay you a commissioner fee if you can bring them a real buyer.
Beyond that, when you have buyers, the sellers will contact you. This is the same book continued: he says, I personally receive over a hundred offers every week from sellers wanting me to sell their products or services to my buyers. Why do you think all of the internet marketing gurus put so much emphasis on building your email list?
They know as I do that 100 buyers are worth more than 100 sellers. So the first piece that's gonna make this go is that we are going to mail known buyers of services like ours. And to illustrate how important this point is, I actually think 60% of the success of this campaign comes down to just having a good list of people.
But like, if, to metaphorically illustrate this, imagine, for example, you owned a restaurant, and you sold barbecue pork ribs. Okay? I want you to imagine that you get a list of people, and it is the Jewish Vegetarian Society, and they have an annual conference, and you wanna sell your barbecue pork ribs.
Well, if you think about this, I don't care what your message is, I don't care what your copy is, I don't care how good your offer is. Like you're gonna sell fucking zero. Zero because they just, even though these may be known buyers of other things, they're, when it comes to pork, they buy zero pork. In other words, these are barefoot people. They simply will not buy what you sell.
Thousand percent. And by the way, there are a lot of tools that can like scrape leads. If you're scraping people who are non-buyers, like who gives a shit, you're not actually getting any closer to your goal. Like you, you came as a buyer. If you sell barbecue pork ribs, I want you to imagine how you would do if you were at the Alabama football game, right? So this is, the make or break detail is, is 60% of the success is just sending your pork rib offer to the stadium full of people who buy ribs.
If you do it to the Jewish vegetarian society, well, let's just say, you're gonna have a difficult agency, you're gonna have a difficult go getting clients. A lot of times, people don't understand this. And so what happens is they chase non-buyers because they logically need a pair of shoes and don't understand why it's so hard to sell.
And it's because those people just don't spend money on the kinds of things you offer. Clients who already have Facebook and Google Pixels have pixels on their sites. This is like two pairs of shoes, like we mentioned, the Reebok and the Adidas.
He can make sure, at the bare minimum, they have the Facebook and the Google shoes in the closet already by scanning for people who have those pixels, right? We wanna make offers to people we know who spend money on this kind of thing.
If, if they're not spending money, they can be cool people, but they don't make good partners in business. So I don't contact those people. In fact, I see people sending thousands and thousands of messages, and there's nothing wrong with that.
But, inevitably, the only people who are gonna raise their hands are the shoe buyers. And so you can save yourself shitloads of time by just identifying them quicker and easier. And then, the best way to identify them, by the way, is through behavior. How do I know they would spend money on things like Facebook and Google?
Because they are right? Because they're, I can see the shoes in the closet already. So that's what we wanna do as a targeting thing. So I think that is like, to me, the best highest use of Coldlytics is to find out all the people in your niche who are spending money and make offers to those people in a way that nobody else is doing.
The other piece of this letter is a little bit different for everybody, but we wanna create an irresistible offer. I showed the Costco example because Costco is like the perfect irresistible offer if you're walking by and they say: Hey, do you want a free sample of this? And that's it, right? And of course, inevitably, you try a little free sample, and you go, well, how much would six boxes of that cost? Right? And a lot of people almost feel like they have to buy it. I say this because a lot of people think their service is their offer. Like if you do Facebook ads, or you do SEO, or you do AdWords, or you do web design like that's your service. But your service is not your offer. Like if you think about like running a restaurant, your service is: I run a barbecue restaurant.
That's what you do. And your offer might be like, Hey, get $12.99 barbecue ribs, a beer, an apple pie, and your favorite band is playing tonight. And what most people do, by the way. They don't understand that the easiest way to make your shit more sellable is to make your offer more sellable. Too many people try and dress up the service with copies.
So they, like, if it's a restaurant, they might say like, you know, Mouthwatering Delicious and, scintillating and you know, five-star reviews and those things are all cool. But the best thing you can do to make this work is just working on this piece is like, Hey, you can get $12.99. Maybe we change it to all-you-can-eat barbecue ribs for $15.99. Maybe that's a better offer. Maybe a hamburger works better. And so this, the mistake I see if I see ten agencies doing this is they're selling their service instead of their offer. And I call this the plane ride or the Hammer, and the plane ride to me is like, The plane ride is the journey, right? But, like, people don't buy a plane ride cuz they actually want a plane ride for the most part.
They buy a plane ride because they're sick of where they are. The office, the meetings, the politics, and they wanna get to the sunshine, the beach, the bikinis, the beer, the nice weather, the sunshine, all that good stuff. And so the worst thing you can do is sell the journey. SEO is a journey. AdWords is a journey.
Facebook ads, all these things are journeys. So we wanna sell, get out of the problems you have, and get into the outcome that you want. So, I can compare our service to a hammer. A hammer is like, um, you know, you can build a thousand things with a hammer. Nobody wakes up and says, I want a hammer. Maybe they want a deck.
Because they want to entertain all their friends and have like backyard, you know, outings or something like that, or maybe they wanna build a birdhouse and make their daughter smile. So we don't wanna sell the Hammer; we wanna sell the birdhouse and the smiling daughter. We wanna sell the backyard outings.
So this is my way of saying, are you gotta focus on whom you help and what quantifiable, specific result you get 'em and with, without any of the things they don't wanna do. And if you do that, um, your, your offer will get so much better. So it's, it's worth selling. I help you solve symptoms and bring you an outcome.
We're not selling the delivery vehicle, and we're not selling the plane ride. If I see, I don't know; ten agency offers, probably nine of them aren't specific enough on what the outcome is and who it's. So this is one Matt that I actually don't know.
These guys just popped up in my feed, but it was so damn specific like I'd be shocked if this offer wasn't working. So it said attention mortgage brokers, James and I are looking for brokers who are doing between 3 million a month per more and wanna get the 10 million a month. The next up is our sweet spot.
Brokers come to us doing around 3 million. We help them double or triple or more in 12 months. And no, we don't do lead generation. Here are our criteria. It's just so damn specific that if you're a mortgage broker in Australia writing 3 million a month, how can you not think these guys can help you?
So where I see people do the opposite is they're so vague. It's like, hey, we help business owners increase their profits using SEO. It's so unspecific that even I, as a business owner, don't think you're talking to them. And this is key because if you choose the right who and the right outcome, the same service can become dramatically more valuable.
I was thinking about Annex Aal, who's well known. Internet marketing influencer says: Hey, we do an amazing book cover, or who makes amazing book cover designs? I got a special project in the comments. He said he was looking for somebody who could make New York Times best-selling covers. Now the who in this case is a New York Times bestselling author, and the outcome is obvious they want a bestselling book.
And the reason I say this is cuz there are a lot of like people out there who do graphic design. And if they sell the graphic design as graphic design, in other words, if they sell the Hammer as a hammer, they're lucky to get a hundred bucks For graphic design. For real, I go to five or look for the cheapest graphic designer I could possibly find who can do the job. And I don't usually pay more than a hundred dollars for any kind of graphic design. But if you're focused on a who in an outcome, like a best-selling thing, a best-selling book cover, that's right. I'd be shocked.
And, so from a sales perspective, I was talking to a business owner this morning about this whole concept of, um, everybody focuses on, what they're selling, but people don't focus enough on whom they're selling it to. And it's a very simple concept to, to kind of lose yourself in and just focus on just selling the thing.
But really you're, what you're doing is valuing that outcome. You're valuing what that person's trying to get to. And if you can't, if you don't want what they're trying to get to, there's sure a shit not gonna pay you for that.
And that's fine. If you are so convinced you need to be a generalist, fine. But you still need to have your offer, as you're talking about, your offer still needs to get through to that end game for each of those specific audiences that you.
Hundred percent. Then, the simple way to go from like Hammer to like my thing, like I do SEO, is just to decide on a who and then figure out what outcome that who is aiming for.
So if I'm like gonna design covers for, or if I'm doing, if I choose on my who, New York Times bestselling. What do they want? They want a cool book cover, right? They want a fancy book cover, right? So, uh, when you have the who, then the outcome becomes more obvious. But I'll show you guys some examples of this in a minute cuz it'll become more clear.
But the opposite of that is this guy, your friendly neighborhood consultant. I like to keep things simple. I help B2B business services generate more leads in revenue. I guarantee you, even if this guy's really good at what he does, this generalist positioning, as you mentioned it, Matt, is he's getting paid dick fuck all for this if anybody's responding at all, right?
I would say most agencies are probably just looking for like 10 to 20 clients. So you wanna be super specific about who those 10 to 20 people are? The second thing I look for in the offer is ads. And what a lot of people try and do is, is replace an existing service a client has. And if you do that, it's harder to sell.
And the reason it's harder to sell is cuz there are two sales; you have to actually make the first sale, is you have to convince them to fire their existing agency. Then the second sale is to hire you. So like if, if they're doing SEO and you come in and say, we do SEO, then they have to fire their SEO agency.
Suppose you can figure out how to add on. So we used to do this in the past, just like giving an SEO example, is I used to come in and say, Hey, you have this high-end specialty service. So when I did this for plastic surgeons, they, a lot of 'em wanted to sell Mommy makeover procedures. And I'd say, How about we make you a Mommy makeover mini-site, and then we'll rank your mommy makeover mini-site for you? And that adds on, right?
They don't have to fire their SEO guy who's doing their main site. We can just build this new thing that adds on. So this is why, by the way, this is a guy selling Facebook bots. If you run a marketing agency or thinking about starting one, there's a new niche that's completely untapped and ripe with opportunity.
It's fast. It's overflowing with pent-up demand, hardly any competition, easy to fulfill, and super lucrative. This guy's talking about Facebook Messenger bots. And the reason Facebook Messenger bots, at least for now, are easier is cuz they add on instead of replacing, right? Like if somebody's running Facebook ads, we can add on; they don't have a messenger bot person already.
More than likely, where this is an example of replacing my ads is better than your ads; fire your existing ad guy, and we'll come in and do a better problem with that. As I said, the first sale of firing your existing guy or gal is actually the harder sale to make. So I like to think about how I can position my thing to add on to what they're doing, not to replace.
Another thing that helps with these letters is to come up with a smaller version of your offer and how I call this the first-date offer. Like if you met, this is just how relationships work in the real world. You know, if you saw a pretty stranger or an attractive stranger at a restaurant or bar and you wanted to go talk to 'em, if you went up to them and said, Hey, marry me for the next 12 months, you'd have a hard time, but this is what I actually used to do in SEO, and this is what a lot of agencies do, right?
Like it used to be, give me a thousand dollars every month and $2,000 depending on where I was in that journey. And wait 12 months, and hopefully, I'll get you to the number one Google. That's a big commitment for a stranger. So we wanna come up with a smaller, like more reduced ask, or if you're gonna go straight to marriage, you gotta have loads of proof and some risk reversal, I should add.
But I even still like to do first dates because I like to feel my clients out and make sure they're even working worth working with long term. So I'll show you an example of this. Somebody asked in a group I'm part of here, another Facebook group, and they said no to anyone who provides killer ad creatives for the agency as a service.
And this guy says, Yeah, for 50 bucks, I can get you one. And, and what surprised me is like all he made all these sales right here, all these people messaged me, messaged me, messaged me, and these were like within minutes. So I'm sure there are a whole bunch more after. And this is the guy who went straight to selling marriage, which he can do because he has tons of proof called No Limit Creatives, and just says; we have over 250 employees.
This is all we do. And then here are all the people, by the way, who, who are just trying to sell the Hammer. We provide top-quality stuff, right? That's not an offer. That's the guy who made a simple, irresistible offer of a video and a thumbnail for 50 bucks and is getting the money. I can help you with that. These are all hammers and plane rides.
As I said, most agencies are doing that. Just outta curiosity, if you guys click on No Limit Creatives, this is what it looks like. Because number one thing I would wanna know is what the designs look like. And this is an agency, this is a graphic design agency. You can buy it right off their website.
No phone calls, q and a. So I thought that was really interesting. But in general, we wanna lean towards like just having an introductory offer. And, the smart thing about this guy right here is if somebody buys one video for $50 and likes it, what are they gonna buy next? And the answer is more videos.
Right? So this is probably a thousand to $5,000 a month service hidden disguised as an easy first date. Right? Like one little video, 50 bucks. I'll try it. Okay. How much would it cost you to get to do all my videos? Right. So you want to think like this as having a little first aid miniaturized version of your offer that leads into your main thing.
And if they like his videos, like if he actually does good delivery, he could probably close 70 to 80% of those in his marriage offer. So that's my way of saying that it's easier to say yes to, and you'll actually sell more marriages with a first date. So if you want to get people for months and months, come up with like a, you know, whatever your version of $12,99 ribs, come in Tuesday and try our ribs.
The other thing is what I call a new and exciting way out. The worst thing your client can think when they look at your offer is that dreaded magic phrase. I've heard that before. So here's a guy like selling; hey, are you unable to compete head-on with your competitors? This was on LinkedIn, backlinks keyword in depth.
The problem with this is there's been like 8,000 other asshole marketers before him that ruined this message. So this just sounds like I've heard that before. So it's, it goes mentally into the ignore. And this is an example of the new and exciting way out. This is, uh, another LinkedIn group I'm part of. And this guy wrote this, by the way, in March of 2020.
So the world went crazy. There are all these lockdowns, and he writes a post creating high impact, highly profitable virtual events over zoom, basically, you know, like two years later, two and a half years later, this pretty normal. But when he first wrote this, this was like so different than what everybody else was saying.
So sometimes, that's the hardest part of figuring out how to take your old shit and make it new. So I used the example of SEO. Like I heard a guy the other day saying, Hey, like I was talking to him, and I said, what do you do with SEO? And he said I don't know. I do the same shit as everybody else.
And I know if you get into the details, that's not really true. And I said, Well, what do you do that's different? And he said, Well, a lot of times people try and rank for like dentist Atlanta, and that's really competitive. What I do is I just find like the ten little tiny suburbs around him, and you know, those suburbs are often way easier.
And so I'm like, there's your new and exciting way out is like everybody else trying to rank in the big city. We figured out how to get all the little neighborhoods, and they add up.
Then the one nuance I would say is to make sure that your first date offer is like a miniaturized version of your main thing so that it leads into it because this guy is selling one video. Yeah. Okay. That's, the hardest sale to make is the one video, but almost inevitably, people are gonna buy more videos from him. Right. So his main service is probably video editing. Right. I would assume, in this case, he's got a creative video agency, and that's where you want it, is wh where what they buy from you as the trip wire just automatically leads into the next thing. It's like, do you want more of it? Sure, we can do 25 videos for a thousand or whatever, Right? Like, we can do an unlimited package for 2,500 bucks or whatever he's doing. Like, I don't know what kind of clients he's dealing with, but this kind of checklist for your offer is clear about who it's for. Have a specific outcome, make it an add-on, make it like a first date, or have a whole bunch of proof plus risk reversal.
Have a new and exciting way out. And this is kind of a bonus tip for me, is if you're gonna spend all this time, I call this the nickel and the hundred dollars bill is most of us in one form or another are generating leads for businesses and they, there's a tendency to think that leads in and of itself are awesome. And I'll tell you, across hundreds and hundreds of niches, I've seen these leads are not equally valued. And right. One of the easiest things to do is just ask potential clients in your niche, even if you're not already clients. You can just ask 'em in a group and just say, you know, what kind of patients or clients or customers do you wish you had more of?
And the longer I do this personally, the more I see myself as an investor or a partner, and I approach them like: Hey, I'm interested in helping grow your business and getting a share of the growth. I create, I approach them as a partner, and it's a very, very different like, Your copy will sound different.
Your approach will sound different. Like I see like you, you see the same obviously, like a lot of people write outreach messages where the opening of it is like some generic bullshitty compliment. Yeah. Oh, I was looking at your dental practice, and it's so amazing, right? Like, you know, they already know that you're gonna kiss their ass and, and bullshit 'em from there as where you say, Hey, I've identified you as a potential investor or a partner because I think we might have some synergy together, and here's why.
I think that it's a very different mindset, and I'd say if you wanna make more money, go up this ladder. Instead of seeing clients as above you and even seeing yourself as a service provider, see yourself as an investor, as a partner in their business and their success in their lives.
So what we're gonna do next is we're gonna send 'em a personalized letter. A lot of you guys are gonna think that's actually kind of hard. It's really not. This is the service we use. It's called click to mail. So what you do is you take the list of names and the addresses you got in click to mail. I'll show you an example of this. Like we get all their information, address, city, and state, and you format it in something there, and you can go through it.
And what'll happen is with click to mail for about a buck letter and I, this includes like an actual real stamp on the letter. Nice. They can send mass personalization. So what that means is, like, for me, I get a list of like two or 300 personal injury lawyers that I know are spending money. We will send a letter to all two 300 lawyers, and the version for Matt says, Dear Matt, the version for Frankie says, Dear Frankie, the version for Joe says, Dear Joe, the version for Jenny says, Dear Jenny, and we can mass personalized letters, and all it does is, is in click to mail you add a first name field, just like you would in like MailChimp or AWeber or Infusionsoft or Active Campaign or something like that.
You just add a little first name field, and it'll pull it from the spreadsheet, and each time it sends the letter, it'll do a personalized version of it. So you can do like, um, mass personalization I'll, and I'll give you guys the letter in just a minute that we're using, but we send them a personalized letter. And the key with this is we've hand-selected a good group of people, and we're giving 'em an offer. It's really the first two steps that are the success. This is where the rubber meets the road, and we actually send the letters, and you can send them by direct mail. With click to mail, you can send one single letter if you want.
We've actually had success in campaigns where I've sent campaigns as small as one single letter and gotten clients, and I've also sent campaigns where I only send five like super personalized letters, and we'll get three of the. We end up, you know, sometimes getting two, three clients outta five letters.
So this is the most cost-efficient and effective way I've ever seen to get clients. You can send five letters in the mail if you do this really if you have a really, really irresistible specific offer like the mortgage broker in Australia kind of thing. For example, you. You can spend five bucks and get three clients. Where are you gonna kind of beat that kind of cost?
So, the letter is gonna drive them. It's gonna be a one-page letter, and I'll show you guys this template. We're almost finally there, but we're gonna drive them to a text conversation. We're gonna close 'em in text. And the offer is the thing that does the heavy lifting, not the sales conversation.
But here's one. You know, hey, I can book a meeting. I usually just send 'em a video with the details, and we get started. It's like, it's not super complicated to close them if the offer is easy enough to say yes to. So I'll show you an ex, this is the letter finally, with enough buildup here, and I'll show you an example as well of my version of it.
So it says, Dear, in this case, in click to mail, you would put a first name holder. So it'd say, you know, Dear Matt to Matt, imagine your business type directly in front of people who, and this, the next thing is you're gonna say is people whom they wanna target. And then you offer them something like this.
And afterward, you include a description of how you help them convert those leads. What do you think would happen? I'll tell you what's happened for however many case studies or examples you can show the typical results and the benefits of those results. And then we simply acknowledge their skepticism and say, hey, I know you can be skeptical because you've had a lot of bad experiences with, um, and you wanna name specific companies in your niche who all promise the moon and deliver very little written return.
And then we just wanna end with a call to action. That's why I'd like to prove to you it works. For right now, you can get an introductory offer. Just send me a text message at the number in your name. Simple message. I think it'll be easier if you guys can see an example. So here's one we use in personal injury.
This is for the outcomes for the client. This is the who is a personal injury lawyer, and the outcome is high-value motorcycle cases. So it says, Dear personal injury lawyer name, imagine your law firm directly in front of people who ride motorcycles by motorcycle helmets, and. Buy motorcycle accessories, and then you offer them a free motorcycle guide like this.
So you're gonna include a little screenshot of your thing and how it works. And afterward, you sent 29 automated drip campaign emails about motorcycle cases. What do you think would happen? I'll tell you what's happened to 12 other lawyers. $10 motorcycle leads calls from people injured in a motorcycle accident and motorcycle cases high-value cases, which means earning more money with fewer clients. Now I know you're understandably skeptical. I would be, too, with the amount of shit pedaled your way, the AVO guy, the SEO hucksters, the just and legal matches, all who promised the moon and delivered very little in return. That's why we made a special demonstration in this case. By the way, I didn't do a text message. I invited him to watch a video. That's a whole other discussion on how to close people over video. Um, but before I do that, I always invite him to a text message and hash it out over a conversation. So I'll show you just a little bit of the detail so you can see what's being filled in here. So it says, firstly, imagine your business types.
So this is how we call out the. So, in this case, it's your law firm, and we know because we work with law firms, the people they want to get, they wanna get motorcycle cases cuz they're, they're high-value cases.
So imagine your law firm directly in front of motorcycle riders. You know, I used A, B, and C. These are literally our targeting parameters on Facebook. And then you offered them this, and this is like kind of a little bit of showing them, like demonstrating how you get results. So we're showing them, in our case, we got a little book, we got a little guy, it's just a screenshot of the landing page, so you guys can put a screenshot of your landing page or whatever other demonstration you have that shows your stuff working. Maybe this is, if you do SEO might, this might be an example of rankings if you do, especially if you have keywords that they really wanna be in front of. If this is AdWords, you might again show a landing page or an example ad. There are lots of ways you can go here, but you just wanna show in. Something they can visually see that lines up with this.
So that's why I put your picture here. And then it says afterward, description of how you help them convert those leads. So in our case, we send a bunch of follow-up emails on their behalf. So in your case, I know some of you guys are using go at a high level, or you're driving them to the phone. Whatever you do here is like you wanna describe how you're gonna help them turn those leads into business.
So it might be like we get those leads to call you on the phone. What do you think would happen? And then, again, I'll tell you what's happened for however many people you've helped in their niche, what results and what benefits? So in our case, the results are at this point, when I sent this letter, we had done it for 12 other lawyers.
We were getting $10 motorcycle leads, and we were getting calls from people injured in a motorcycle accident. And then the benefit of that is that they would want motorcycle cases because they're high-value cases, which means they don't have to do as much to earn money. Um, now the thing is in, in every niche you're part of, by the way, they've been burned by like 8,000 other asshole marketers before us.
So we wanna acknowledge that this section is optional, but I think it's better in most cases if you include it. And the best way to separate yourself from the shitty companies is just to name 'em. So it says, I know you're skeptical; I would be too. And the best thing to do is just find out companies that they hate.
So in my case, the companies that are universally hated are, there's a directory called AVO. Uh, a lot of lawyers hate SEO because they've been promised the moon. There's a company called Justia. They're actually an SEO company, and the number one most hated company in my niche is Legal Match.
They, they, they sell a bunch of cheap, low-quality, shitty leads. They lock people down in contracts. They sue you even when it's not working for you. And they, they, so, so I say, Hey, I understand you're skeptical. I would be too. So this is gonna be a little bit different in your niche. If you don't know the answer to this, Google it.
Legal Match is terrible. So that's why I'd like to prove it to you. And then that's why I've created this introductory offer. In our case, you can't see it because it goes to a video. But our introductory offer is um, um, in this case, by the way, single, like this is a secret here. I call a single unit of pricing to make your offers easier. So in our case, you can buy as many motorcycle leads as you want for $40 a piece. And I know I can get 'em for 10. So I make $30 every time they buy a lead.
That's how you can sell, by the way, a $ 10,000-a-month service in disguise. It's like a single unit of pricing. Just like the guy said, one video for $50. That's our version of one video for $50, get one lead for 40 bucks, right? You can buy as many or as few as you want. That's what it is on the video, basically. And I just show an example of how it works. Um, I use the video, by the way; after I've gotten this kind of working with text, and then I basically just automate that conversation. But it's an introductory offer. That's what makes it go. And then it's just your contact details. Send me a text message, or however you'd like to send me an email however, you'd like them to contact you.
So the click to mail, when they send their letters, is they send, um, it's like a typical envelope you would get a bill in. And what happens is, um, how I do it is there, there's more than one print setting, but I, I have been printed on the. Address on the back. So there's like a clear little window, and they can see Matt McQuinn, his address, and his address to you. And there's a live stamp on it. So they get a letter like that in the mail in their box doesn't; if you want, you can have your return address. If you don't, you can do it without yourself. I typically do, but the live stamp, more than anything, makes them curious because most automated mail doesn't come with a stamp on it.
And so in click-to-mail, it costs like 10 cents extra to put a live stamp on it, which I recommend, by the way. I said it'll cost you 90 cents without it and a buck with it. But I recommend the live stamp because it just drives curiosity. They open it up, and when they open it up, this is the letter on the inside; it has the address on the back.
Imagine your law firm. So it's, again, this is like very personalized. Like if you own a law firm, it's your law firm, right? It's not just like any random thing we're saying. Imagine your who, and then we're saying, and you got in front of the kinds of people you wanted to get in front of, right? For them, this is a desirable thing. They want to get in front of these people, right? And then you gave them something like this. Um, by the way, this, in a nutshell, is basically what I would call the plan. I'm saying this is how I'm going to get you the results. Imagine you could get these people and do something like this for 'em, and then we helped you convert 'em by doing this.
What do you think would happen? I'll tell you. Results, results, results in benefit. And then, hey, I know you're skeptical because there are a lot of shitty companies. That's why I made it really easy for you to say yes. This is my secret tool for getting past the gatekeeper. And I'll give you guys a pro tip. You'll notice in our stuff there's a field here called personal and confidential. And this is actually just a, a field that's for, um, click to mail. And this came from a lawyer. I sent him a letter in the mail, and then I saw him like weeks later at a conference, and I said, Hey, I sent you a letter. And he said, Oh, I didn't get it. And I said, Why not? And he, this is one of the biggest lawyers on earth. And he said, Well, I'm big enough that, like other people, open my mail for me. Mm-hmm. And I, he said, But if you want me to read it, just write on it personal and confidential, and then my secretary won't open it, and it'll get right to me.
And so I've used this ever since. And so it, it shows up in the window, say, Matt McQuinn, personal and confidential. There's a self-address stamped in your address, so nobody else will open it. So one of the secrets of this is it gets by the gatekeepers. And the other thing I would say is, uh, with click to mail, their minimum order, by the way, is, is one letter, but they have a, I think, $2 fee. Or two 50 fee minimum. So like, meaning if you send one letter by itself, they're gonna charge you two 50 instead of the usual $1 As, or if you send ten letters, they'll charge you 10. And this is my way of saying, like, you can actually get started with this for under $5. You can like literally send letters and get clients for under $5 if you'd follow the principles of sending it to the buyers.
Now I'll say for most people, if you send a hundred to 300 of these, you're gonna get a client each time you send a mailing. That doesn't mean it's a hundred percent. That doesn't mean that you automatically get a client if you send a hundred letters. Sometimes you send a letter, and you get zero; sometimes, you send a letter, and you get five. But, like, if you just once a month mail your people and spend a hundred bucks on this, it crushes Facebook ads. We know because we can see, like in my version of it, of driving to a video, um, if we send a hundred letters like 35 people will watch the video. Where are you going to run a Facebook ad and get 35% like fucking open rates and call to action, like follow through?
Like you can't beat that. And what I wanted to say is that it's such a massive advantage because you get past the gatekeepers. Like I, I know Coldlytics has a lot of excellent tools to get, like the dentist's actual email and not the catch-all email. But with direct mail, you're guaranteed to get it in the dentist's hands every time. And not in the secretary's hands. That's right.
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